Monday 8 December 2014

Robin Hood

Who does not know the tale of Robin Hood and his Merry-men. They rob the rich to help the poor because during that time it is all about power. People that does not have power will be conquer by the people that rich and have a more power.
However, there were a lot of problems happen between Robin Hood and his Merry-men such as the growing number of band that bring out the scarcity in food supplying, camp, and discipline control, their networking with the powerful people, their organization strength that seems decline, and the most important thing is the mentality of Robin Hood and the Merry-men. Robin Hood and his Merry-men have a different objectives where the Merry-men still want to stay with their way to rob the rich and Robin Hood want to take down the Sheriff. The mismatch of the objective can bring down Robin Hood and his Merry-men anytime.
Thus, how Robin Hood will overcome the problems within himself and the Merry-men? First and foremost, Robin Hood should change the mentality of the Merry-men. They should have the same and clear objectives within them that they can follow. Then, he should restructure again the organization since the number of the band growing day by day. He must delegate a task to the person in the organization. Make them understand and clear their job scope. Better organization will make a better plan and strategy in the future. Robin Hood also should consider to establish a regulation that the Merry-men should follow so that there will not any violation and discrimination among them and the last but not least Robin Hood must grab the opportunities to work with the barons in order for him to widen his networking among the barons.
In any organization or even a small group, they should introduce a clear mission, choose a leader that have good influence toward the members, have a negotiation skills where we can achieve what we want and satisfied the others, and leader that can manage and delegate all the task in the organization. Contingency plan if the main plan fail. All of these things very important for the organization to work efficiently and productively.

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