Thursday 18 December 2014

Strategy Level

Business Level Strategy

The company utilize business strategy level for their company to make their companies different and unique than other company that offer the same business as they are. There were three business strategy level that the company can utilize which are:-

Cost leadership strategy where the company offer prices that lower than their competitor like Mydin, Air Asia, KFC and more. 

In order to compete in the industry plus attract customer to buy their products, the company must create products/services that have their own uniqueness and valued than their competitors like Apple, Nokia, and more. The company that want to offer unique products/services utilizing strategy called differentiation strategy.

The company that utilize the focus strategy will focus on the segment market or the business that the competitor select not to serve them. There were two variants which is cost focus and differentiation focus.

Functional Level Strategy

Functional level strategy consists of activities that create value and costs for the company like financing, human resources, operation and marketing. The company will make a department to each of the activities to make the company become more effective and focus. Usually this strategy use by the lower-level managers to handle the activities of the company.

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